Funky Lunch was born out of the desire to turn an ordinary lunchtime sandwich into something a bit different to encourage children to eat a varied and healthy lunch.
We all know how stressful meal times with children can be and most of the time their reluctance to finish their food is down to boredom. Young minds need inspiring, so we decided to create a whole new food experience for them.
We have secured an agreement to publish a book in early 2010 of our ideas that will show you how lunchtimes can once again be exciting times for young children.
In the meantime, if you want to try and incorporate new foods into your childs meals or just cure that lunchbox boredom, have a look at our gallery of images. (from funkylunch's "about FunkyLunch)
We all know how stressful meal times with children can be and most of the time their reluctance to finish their food is down to boredom. Young minds need inspiring, so we decided to create a whole new food experience for them.
We have secured an agreement to publish a book in early 2010 of our ideas that will show you how lunchtimes can once again be exciting times for young children.
In the meantime, if you want to try and incorporate new foods into your childs meals or just cure that lunchbox boredom, have a look at our gallery of images. (from funkylunch's "about FunkyLunch)

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